Thursday, October 1, 2009

Authentication, Integration, Interoperability

The more that things change, the more they stay the same. I think that expression applies to some aspects of the transition from on-premises to cloud-computing solutions. Regardless of the way IT services are delivered, they always require authentication, integration and interoperability (and security, privacy, and compliance). They are the main legitimate concerns with any enterprise computing system, and they are being re-voiced as enterprises consider and implement cloud-based systems.
While concerns persist, there are already considerable solutions in place or in development for cloud-based authentication, integration, and interoperability. For example, TriCipher’s myOneLogin service supports secure single sign-on to more than 1,500 web applications. Pervasive Software (NASDAQ: PVSW), already a leader in on-demand and on-premises integration, today announced Universal CONNECT!, a comprehensive connectivity program to connect “virtually anything” (SaaS and cloud applications, databases, structured and unstructured data files, legacy data, infrastructure, web services , EDI, B2B, CRM, ERP, accounting applications, etc.). Last week, a consortium of leading technology companies announced the creation of the Open Mashup Alliance, an organization dedicated to the successful use of enterprise mashup technologies and adoption of an open language that promotes enterprise mashup interoperability and portability. Dion Hinchcliffe wrote a detailed post about the new Open Mashup Alliance here.
While cloud computing is new, supply and demand still applies. As enterprises increasingly demand on-demand solutions for authentication, integration, and interoperability, on-demand vendors will supply enterprise demands. The more that things change, the more they stay the same.
What are your concerns or solutions for authentication, integration, and interoperability of on-demand and on-premises systems?

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